St. Martin's Episcopal Church


Prayer: “God, you’ve put the resources of life, of labor, of money and of all assets in our hands to use for the good and the building up of your church and to use for the good of your people.  We ask that our decisions and deliberations may be holy, that our stewardship may be to your praise and honor and glory.  In the name of Jesus Christ, who loved us first, we pray.”

First Quarter 2009 Financial Summary

Lloyd Woods , Treasurer


Year-to-Date      Year-to-Date          Variance From                             Annual

Actual                Budget    Budget Budget


Revenue       $171,040*          $155,125    $ 15,915*          $620,500

Expenses      165,346               176,840       11,495            667,360

Net                $    5,694*           $(21,715)    $ 27,410*          $ (46,860)


( ) = Expenses exceed Income

     * Includes approximately $25,000 in prepaid pledges

Your vestry’s goal for the 2009 budget was to balance the budget without sacrificing positions, programs or projects in a year when the economy is plagued with uncertainty and financial hardship for many.

We almost met that goal. The budget does include funds for the assistant rector for the full year (vs. a half year in 2008), an increase in our diocesan pledge, and funding for all programs and projects. However, to accomplish these objectives required a budget deficit of almost $47,000.

For the first quarter our revenues exceeded expenses by $5,694. We will continue to carefully monitor expenses and take whatever actions are required to ensure that we complete the year within our budget. With your continued support thorough additional and increased pledges as well as other financial contributions, we hope to finish the year with our revenues equal to or exceeding expenses.


Endowment Information

By Jim Pierce


For those of you who attended the Adult Forum on April 26th, information was provided concerning a change in your will if you have been considering making a gift to St Martin’s. For those of you who were unable to make the meeting; during the month of May, you can change your will to make a gift to St Martin’s of at least $5000, free of any charges. Leave a Legacy Foundation has enlisted the help of 5 prominent Williamsburg attorneys who will make a change to your will, free of charge, as long as you want to make a gift of at least $5000 to any charity in Williamsburg. St Martin’s qualifies for this opportunity. If you are interested, please contact Leave A Legacy at 259-1660 or contact Jim Pierce at 258-4643.




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