312 Waller Mill Road, # 800
Williamsburg, VA 23185
(757) 220-9379
From a December, 2008 Interview…
FISH – sounds like part of the dinner menu from last night, but FISH is a local agency
that helps those in need by providing food, clothing and transportation to thousands of
people in the community each year. The agency is run entirely by volunteers.
Bud Voorhess, president of the board for FISH, says the number of clients served by
FISH is up 13 percent this year over last. Folks getting food from the agency jumped
from 5,424 in 2007 to 6,178 by this November.
Voorhess says the economic conditions are certainly a driving factor behind the rise in
clients FISH serves. The number of new households visiting FISH in 2008 has grown by
22 percent, which is a clear indicator to Voorhess that families here are being affected by
the poor economy.
FISH needs support to help its growing number of local clients. Even if you think you
can’t help, there’s a lot you can do just by cleaning out the pantry and closet in your
home. Here are some items they can use that you may be able to provide: any warm
clothing, especially coats, hats, and gloves; also food items that are non-perishable like
canned fruit, cereal (hot or cold), instant coffee, spaghetti and sauce, tuna fish, Spam,
macaroni and cheese boxes, and soup.
If you have an extra few dollars and would like to purchase goods, FISH needs diapers of
all sizes, dish and laundry detergent, toilet paper and other toiletries.
“Also, if you’ve got time, volunteer,” Voorhess says. “Everyone has something that they
can find to share, even time.”
He says FISH is feeling the pinch of the recession, too, but he also says that “donations
are holding. I think we can keep our head above water. The community has really come
through for us so far.”
Drop off your donations at the FISH office, 312 Waller Mill Road in Williamsburg, or
call them at (757) 220-9379 to volunteer. Can’t do it right now? Not to worry – help is
needed year round.


