St. Martin's Episcopal Church


Dining In

 Dinners for Eight (Couples and Singles)

If you are willing to host an evening of dinner for eight people, then sign up today!  Dinners for Eight offers parishioners an opportunity to get to know each other within smaller groups.  The assignments will rotate so every month you will dine at a different home with different people.

Dinners begin October 13th

Please sign up at church in the Narthex early so that we can divide and assign the groups in plenty of time.  Dinner dates will be the second Saturday of each month, October through January.  Once the list is complete you will receive a calendar with names and phone numbers.

How does it work?

Each group is eight is divided into four “couples” with each “couple” being responsible for preparing one course.  The four courses are appetizers, bread and salad, main course, and dessert.  You will have an opportunity to host a dinner once in your own home and be a guest in other homes.    If you do not think you can host or commit to the entire time frame, sign up as a substitute.  Questions, please contact Ginger Dewhirst (220-5582) or Gretchen Israel (220-6456)


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